سخن سردبیر
دانشیار، گروه مدیریت دانش، دانشگاه جامع امام حسین(ع)، تهران، ایران.
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسنده [English]
Theory is defined as a coherent summary and wise and logical statement resulting from thinking, observations or experienced phenomena. Scientific theories are the most reliable, accurate and comprehensive parts of scientific knowledge. The difference between scientific theories and scientific hypotheses is that scientific hypotheses are the result of a logical guess related to a testable and limited experimental phenomenon. And although they are scientific and powerful, they do not provide a comprehensive and subjective explanation.
Also, the difference between scientific theory and scientific law is that scientific laws provide limited and not comprehensive descriptive accounts of how nature and divine creatures behave in certain situations (such as the law of gravity). Therefore, a scientific theory consists of one or more hypotheses that are supported by repeated experiments. Although the existing proven scientific theories are not invalidated, they are falsifiable;
It means that the way to refute them is always open and one can try to extract new hypotheses from the theories, and by testing those hypotheses, partially disprove that theory. Scientific theory is the best scientific explanation of a phenomenon in the present time, which all evidence and hypotheses confirm its correctness; and if new evidence is discovered in the future that doesn't agree with the scientific theory, that theory needs to evolve or improve and is never completely disproved; Because in its time, it explains a wide range of evidence.
Therefore, it can be said that a theory is a set of propositions that are explained by a scientific and logical method and are based on certain foundations, whether it is normative or descriptive; Therefore, without foundations, without reasoning and without creativity and guess[1], theory cannot be achieved.
Theorizing is a process and does not happen instantly.
There are six important categories in the theorizing process that should be considered:
method; 2. Technique[1]; 3. approach [2]; 4. Paradigm : 5. Doctrine : 6. School[3].
The process of theorizing is manageable and even structured, but many factors play a role in achieving the theory. Maybe the result of this process and theory production is not necessarily manageable, but theorizing can be managed. Using theorizing approaches is a good way to create better images of the complex phenomenon of the organization. (Khosrupanah, 1402)
Based on the scientific analysis, the central phenomenon in the weakness of indigenous theorizing, especially in the humanities and social sciences of Iran, is "the foundation of an unproductive scientific system". The background conditions of which are the quantitative and research-oriented educational system, the weakness of need-oriented scientific research, the underdevelopment of scientific polarizations, and the historical foundations of non-thinking. This issue has finally led to consequences such as the gap between technical knowledge and social knowledge, the deepening of dependence/scientific consumerism, and the marginalization of scientific authority in Iran's educational system (Qandaghi, & Qasemi Nezhad, 2023). One of the main missions of teachers of
Organizational knowledge management science is to conduct research that adds knowledge to this scientific field on the one hand, and on the other hand, use it in practice and as a profession. To do this, we need to design our research in such a way that it gives a proper understanding of the practical issues in that profession. We need to develop our skills in developing good theories so that the research done will increase our knowledge about the field and profession of organizational knowledge management. From the perspective of organizational knowledge management, it is a misconception to think that newer theories will replace older ones. In organizational theory, views accumulate and influence each other over time. Because organization theorists accept more and more ideas that are presented in this field of study with the passage of time.
Copyright ©, Ruhollah Tavallaei
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