Providing a comprehensive classification of key effective factors in establishing organizational knowledge management

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Assistant professor at the Islamic knowledge and industrial management, Imam Sadegh University

2 master of Islamic knowledge and industrial management, Imam Sadegh University


Knowledge plays a key role in gaining competitive advantage in today's world of manufacturing goods and providing highly qualified services. Furthermore, management of organizational knowledge is a key factor in the success of companies in a competitive and information era. It should be noted that theoretical explanation of the position of knowledge management does not necessarily indicate successful knowledge management. Although knowledge management seems to contain a clear set of tools or management processes in the beginning, its implementation and establishment are important and complex, and their application results in improved performance and processes. Effective use of knowledge management requires the understanding and constructing the issues related to the knowledge management process the most important stage of which are establishment and implementation, as well as the identification of key components for the establishment of knowledge management. Often, in various researches only some of the main factors for the establishment of knowledge management are introduced. In some other cases, only some of the subcomponents have been mentioned. None of the researches has provided a comprehensive coverage of all the factors affecting the establishment of knowledge management and the relevant subcomponents. . This research, however, is intended to codify the main factors (basic themes) in various researches in this field, then the main categories (general themes) and the subcomponents of each (organizing themes) are extracted and mapped by employing thematic analysis. Then, the final design of the effective components are drawn. The researchers have tried to certify that the identified components are sufficiently comprehensive. The findings of this research indicated that in order to establish knowledge management, seven factors of organizational culture, human resource management, organizational structure and components, information technology, knowledge management components and processes, strategies and vision and environmental components and sub-components must be considered profoundly.


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