About Journal

The Journal of Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge (SMOK) is a national Q1 (ISCopen-access (online) journal published quarterly by Imam Hossein University, founded in 2018. It covers exchanging the latest academic research and practical information on various aspects of knowledge management in different organizations (SMEs, large companies, MNCs, global corporations). The journal publishes innovativerigorous, and original research and studies by academicbusiness, and government colleagues on knowledge management strategiestoolstechniques, and technologies. It is also well suited for real-world problems where ideal models are unavailable. The best research from knowledge management researchers and practitioners is published in this journal.
The focus of the journal is on innovative knowledge management strategies with applications in real-world situations. Application areas include developing a culture and appropriate communication strategy of knowledge management theories and practices, integrating strategic knowledge management and knowledge infrastructures, managing knowledge flows in learning organizations, organizing information and retrieval technologies, linking knowledge management to performance initiatives, financial decisions, and asset management, preserving knowledge, human and intellectual capital, using information technology and systems, linking knowledge management to decision support systems, understanding customer knowledge management, connecting knowledge management to innovation systems, pathways and forecasting technological management - processing and understanding big data information, measuring the value of knowledge and discovering what is beyond knowledge management in real organizational scenarios. Articles submitted to this journal can also be about the most important recent advances in strategic knowledge management topics and their application in organizations. We encourage submissions of articles that challenge real knowledge management as a solution to organizational and governance challenges.

  • Format: Print and Online
  • Acceptance Rate: %18
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • CoverageTheories, Models, and Systems Related to Knowledge Management
  • Type of Journal: Academic / Specialized
  • Advance Access: Yes
  • Language: Persian, including English abstracts and bibliographies
  • Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
  • Policy: Double-blind peer review; two reviewers
  • Review Time: 2 to 4 months approximately
  • Contact Email: okmj@ihu.ac.ir
  • Article Processing Charges: Free for the review process and journal.
  • Type of License: CC-BY
  • Type of Access: Open Access (OA) 
Creative Commons License  

Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods, and Knowledge Management. It is a scientific journal that aims to contribute to constant scientific research and training and promote research in the field of knowledge management.

 Tel: +982173828756, Fax: +982173828714

Address: Center of Knowledge Management, Imam Hosein University, Shahid Babaee EXP Way, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.

Web: http://jkm.ihu.ac.ir/?lang=en

Email: OKMJ@ihu.ac.ir


Bibliographic Information


Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge


Print: 2645-4262

Online ISSN: 2645-5242


theories, methods and Knowledge Management


Persian, including English abstracts and bibliographies

Start Year





Rouhollah Tavallaee, PhD.

Place of Publication



Imam Hossein University







Type of Access

Open Access (OA)

Type of License


Plagiarism Detection Software


Type of Publication

Publication fee: free for review process and publication.

Full-text access: Open Access

Revenue Sources

Institutional support

Type of Material

Serial (Periodical)


It is an open-access peer-reviewed journal in Persian (including English abstracts and references) devoted to Knowledge Management. It is a forum for new research in the disciplines of Management and  Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge.