Strategic knowledge management excellence modeling (case study: mobarakeh steel company of esfahan)

Document Type : Case study


1 PhD of human resource management, senior expert, Irisan International Organization for Systems Engineering and Automation

2 professor of business administration at Shahid Beheshti University

3 PhD of human resources management, chief executive officer of Water and Wastewater Company of Qom


This research is conducted for introducing excellence model for strategic knowledge management in Mobarakeh Steel Company of Isfahan. In order to achieve this goal, the researchers employed a qualitative and quantitative method. Hence, the research is a compound one in terms of the methodology. In terms of data collection, this is an exploratory-descriptive (post-event) research. This applied research follows developmental goal. In the qualitative phase, it employs a Fuzzy-Delphi technique and designs an excellence model for strategic knowledge management in ten phases. The statistical population of the qualitative phase contained 30 academic and industry experts, and the statistical population of the quantitative method covered 521 knowledge workers (process owners, knowledge management team, knowledge facilitators, and strategic group) of Mobarakeh Steel Company. According to Cochran formula, 221 participants were selected as the sample. The validity of the qualitative data method was verified by Newman's validation method, and the reliability and validity of the quantitative method were affirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis respectively. Data analysis was performed by Fuzzy-Delphi technique in the qualitative section. In the quantitative phase, the data were analyzed by SPSS and LISREL software. Finally, the strategic knowledge management excellence modeling (SKMEM) was presented with three components of strategy, process, and result, 13 criteria, and 80 sub-criteria. Having a score of 6177, it was suggested as a model for upgrading Mobarakeh Steel Company in Isfahan. Employing this model, the company can analyze the state of knowledge by presenting plans and actions to improve itself, and go on the path to excellence. The results of quantitative analysis also showed that Mobarakeh Steel Company obtained 4478 points from the strategic knowledge management excellence model, which indicates a gap of 1692 points.


Main Subjects

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