Investigating the relationship between human capital and innovation with the mediating role of knowledge sharing and social media networking in iranian creative companies

Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Information Science and Epistemology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran



Purpose: Nowadays, companies need innovation to survive in complex conditions and to produce new products and services. In this regard, a key influential factor is the acquisition of competent human capital, as it is considered the building block of companies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between human capital and innovation in Iranian creative companies. Additionally, by examining the mediating roles of knowledge sharing and social media networking, the research aims to uncover how these elements synergize to bolster innovation. The findings promise to offer valuable insights for organizations aiming to harness the full potential of their human capital and navigate the digital age with enhanced creativity and efficiency.
Design/methodology/approach: This study falls in the category of applied researches. Research approach is quantitative and was done using survey method. Out of 1611 creative companies at the time of the research, 311 companies were selected as sample using random sampling method. Data collection was done using standard questionnaires. The questionnaire incorporated a 5-point Likert scale, with questions derived from well-established previous studies. In total, the questionnaire consisted of 18 questions, with the human capital and innovation factors each having 5 questions, and the knowledge sharing and social media networking factors each having 4 questions. The reliability of the questionnaire was rigorously tested using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The results indicated that the reliability of the research variables, including human capital, knowledge sharing, social media networking, and innovation, were 0.842, 0.863, 0.890, and 0.856, respectively, indicating the questionnaire's adequate reliability. Out of the distributed questionnaires, 233 were returned fully completed, enabling a substantial dataset for analysis. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and SmartPLS software, facilitating both descriptive and path analysis.
Findings: The descriptive analysis revealed that the research data adhered to normal distribution parameters. Further, all the main research variables—human capital, knowledge sharing, social media networking, and innovation—scored above average, indicating a generally positive assessment from the respondents. The path analysis conducted within the Partial Least Squares (PLS) framework offered deeper insights into the relationships among the studied variables. It was revealed that human capital had a significant direct effect on innovation, marked by a path coefficient of 0.237. Moreover, the mediating effects of knowledge sharing and social media networking were substantial. Human capital's impact on innovation, through the mediating role of knowledge sharing, showed a path coefficient of 0.169. Similarly, social media networking as a mediator reflected a path coefficient of 0.180.
According to the results, Human capital had both a direct and indirect effect (through the mediating variables of knowledge sharing and social media networking) on innovation. The indirect effect of human capital on innovation was greater than the direct effect, highlighting the importance of knowledge sharing and social media networking in converting the potential of human capital into innovation in Iranian creative companies. The results highlight a crucial insight: innovation within Iranian creative companies is not solely dependent on possessing knowledgeable and skilled human resources. Instead, the mechanisms for sharing knowledge and establishing robust social networks play pivotal roles in converting the latent potential of human capital into tangible innovation. This underscores the importance of creating supportive infrastructures that encourages the free flow of knowledge and leverages social media networking, which enable companies to unlock significant innovative capabilities.
The role of knowledge sharing as a mediator in this relationship can be further elucidated through social exchange theory, which highlights the importance of reciprocal interactions and the sharing of information and resources among employees. When employees share their knowledge and expertise, they contribute to a collective pool of ideas and solutions, enhancing the organization's capacity for innovation. Knowledge sharing dismantles silos, enhances collaborative efforts, and ensures continuous learning, thus driving innovation.
On the other hand, the mediating rule of social media networking can be understood through the lens of social capital theory, which focuses on the value derived from social relationships and networks. Social media platforms facilitate the creation and maintenance of social connections, enabling employees to access diverse sources of information, feedback, and support. This not only enhances their individual creativity but also fosters a collaborative environment where innovative ideas can thrive. The findings of the study underscore the importance of leveraging social media networks to maximize the innovative potential of human capital.
Research limitations/implications: While this research shed light on the relationships between human capital, knowledge sharing, social media networking, and innovation in Iranian creative companies, it faced limitations as follows:

The focus of this research was on Iranian creative companies. This may limit the generalizability of the findings to other cultural and organizational contexts. Additionally, cultural differences in attitudes towards knowledge sharing and social media acceptance could affect the results.
Reliance on self-reported data might introduce bias. Participants may overestimate their engagement in knowledge sharing or the effectiveness of social media networking due to social desirability or lack of self-awareness. Employing a mixed-method approach, including qualitative data and objective performance metrics, could provide a more comprehensive understanding.
This research did not account for all potential mediating and moderating variables. Factors such as organizational structure, leadership style, and technological infrastructure could also play a mediating role in the relationship between human capital and innovation. Future research in this field could address these limitations to gain a deeper understanding and enhance the robustness of the findings.

In addition, it is worth exploring the theoretical underpinnings that relate human capital to innovation. Human capital theory suggests that investments in education and training enhance employees' knowledge, skills, and abilities, which are crucial for fostering innovation. Employees equipped with advanced skills and knowledge are more likely to contribute innovative ideas and solutions, thus driving the company's overall innovative performance.
Practical implications: Based on the research findings, practical suggestions were presented as follows:

Creative companies are advised to invest in employee training, foster a culture of continuous learning and knowledge sharing, and encourage employees to actively participate in social media to facilitate innovation. They should also promote a culture that encourages knowledge sharing.
Policymakers are advised to support initiatives that enhance human capital development and create environments conducive to knowledge sharing and innovation.

Originality/value: This researh offers valuable insights into the relationship between human capital and innovation, particularly within the context of Iranian creative companies. It not only contributes to the academic literature on human capital and innovation but also offers practical recommendations that can be applied by companies and policymakers to enhance innovation in the digital age.


Main Subjects

Copyright ©, Hashem Atapour, Afshin Hamdipour, Sahar Safipour


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