The use of artificial intelligence and knowledge management in improving corporate governance a case study of mapna company

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 PhD student in Public Administration, Department of Public Administration and Public Policy Doctoral Program, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration and Public Policy Doctoral Program, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Purpose: One of the most important issues in recent years is the concept of corporate governance. This concept deals with the way of managing and controlling an organization and its main goal is to ensure transparency, accountability and fairness in corporate decisions. On the other hand, knowledge management helps organizations to take advantage of existing experiences and information and improve decision-making and innovation. With the emergence of artificial intelligence as one of the leading technologies, organizations are driven to increase productivity. The application of artificial intelligence and knowledge management in corporate governance can lead to optimization of decision-making and increasing the efficiency of organizations. Organizations of the country always need a knowledge system that can work in a coordinated, regular, purposeful, continuous and dynamic manner. One of these organizations is Mapna. In this company, until now, organizational knowledge management models that are based on corporate governance have not been investigated, and knowledge management has only been dealt with separately and superficially. Therefore, this research area needs more extensive studies. In this regard, this study presents the model of artificial intelligence and knowledge management in corporate governance.
Methodology: The approach of the current research is qualitative and it was done using thematic analysis method. Data collection methods in this research include library studies and field studies. In the first stage, with comprehensive library reviews and evaluation of past studies, including English and Persian books and articles, theses, effective factors and components of artificial intelligence and knowledge management in Mapna company were identified and extracted. In the second stage, in the field method, the factors and components of artificial intelligence and knowledge management were identified from the tools of interviews with professors and experts of the studied society and the method of content analysis. In the next step, a conceptual model of the theme analysis method was presented. The duration of conducting field studies and design, distribution, collection and analysis of qualitative data was done in the period of March 1401 to March 1402.
Findings: Based on the theme analysis method, the effective dimensions and components in knowledge management in Mapna include individual dimension, organizational dimension and environmental dimension. The effective dimensions and components in artificial intelligence in Mapna include contextual dimension, organization strategies, organizational dimension, marketing dimension, structural dimension and environmental dimension. The results show that knowledge management, including individual, organizational and environmental dimensions, has a significant effect on corporate governance in Mapna Company. Also, artificial intelligence with contextual dimensions, organization strategies, organizational, marketing, structural and environmental dimensions also affects corporate governance in this company. Corporate governance can bring significant benefits to a business or group structure. This type of governance is able to create a stronger organizational culture and place compliance and reputation at the center of the organization's activities. Also, it provides transparency at all levels of the organization and ensures that all actors understand their personal role in the operation and when and why they are expected. With this approach, growth opportunities are clearly visible, as corporate governance ensures that all business unit information is up-to-date and accurate, allowing the board to make clear and accurate strategic decisions based on valid data.
Research limitations: The most important obstacles and limitations of this research include the following: Lack of cooperation from some managers and experts of MAPNA Company due to the volume of executive activities, Due to the researcher's efforts to explain the objectives and benefits of the research to managers and experts, as well as to increase accuracy in answering the questionnaire questions, conducting the research took some time in some stages. The diversity of the field of corporate governance activities in MAPNA Company led to the expansion of categories in the field of artificial intelligence and knowledge management, which inevitably led to some of them being omitted according to the elites' opinion. The findings of this research and the presentation of the corporate governance model are within the time frame of data collection, and the passage of time may change the prioritization of the dimensions and indicators of the model.


Main Subjects

Copyright ©, Somayyeh Tahanpour, Vahid Araei, Aliasghar Pourezat, Mazyar Azimzadeh Irani


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