The impact of knowledge management strategies on sustainable supply chain performance with an emphasis on eco-innovation (case study: personnel of small and medium enterprises in semnan province)

Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran



Purpose: In recent years, numerous studies have been conducted on knowledge management, sustainable supply chains, and eco-friendly innovation. However, none have explored the multidimensional relationships among these variables, particularly the role of eco-friendly innovation as a mechanism mediating the relationship between knowledge management strategies and sustainable supply chain performance. The present study aims to examine the impact of knowledge management strategies on sustainable supply chain performance, with the mediating role of eco-friendly innovation.  
methodology: To achieve this, a descriptive-survey research method was employed. A researcher-developed questionnaire, derived from existing literature, was used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through various indices, including face and content validity, factor loading, convergent validity (AVE), Fornell and Larcker criteria, the coefficient of determination (R²), Q², and goodness-of-fit. Its reliability was established using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability. The questionnaire was distributed among 200 employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Semnan province using a judgmental and purposive sampling method. The analysis of the questionnaire data, performed using SPSS and Smart PLS software, revealed that the mediating role of eco-friendly innovation in the relationship between knowledge management strategies and sustainable supply chain performance is positive and significant (with an effect coefficient of 0.498).
Findings: Furthermore, based on the results of the study’s sub-hypotheses, it was found that knowledge management strategies have a positive and significant impact on sustainable supply chain performance (effect coefficient: 0.178), on eco-friendly innovation performance (effect coefficient: 0.301), and that eco-friendly innovation positively and significantly affects sustainable supply chain performance (effect coefficient: 0.590). Thus, all the study's hypotheses were confirmed.


Main Subjects

Copyright ©, Mohsen Shafiei Nikabadi, Alireza Moghaddam, Parastoo Toorani, Ali Akbar Najar


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