The effect of synergistic leadership behaviors on the knowledge hiding of kashan teachers: the mediating role of professional learning community and organizational voice

Document Type : Original Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran



Purpose: Knowledge hiding is a relatively common phenomenon in educational organizations with destructive effects. Teachers may not share their job-related knowledge with colleagues for various reasons and sometimes hide their understanding. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the effective constructs for reducing knowledge hiding; thus, the study aimed to investigate the mediating role of the learning community and organizational voice in the relationship between synergistic leadership behaviors and teachers' knowledge-hiding behaviors.
Methodology: The study type was descriptive-correlational, and the statistical population included 3244 teachers in Kashan, with a sample size of 358 people using the Cochran formula. The research tools were four questionnaires: synergistic leadership, knowledge concealment, organizational voice, and learning community. The reliability of the questionnaires was estimated through Cronbach's alpha as 0.75 for synergistic leadership, 0.81 for knowledge concealment, 0.89 for organizational voice, and 0.72 for learning community.
Findings: The mean of the knowledge-hiding variable was lower than the criterion score, and the mean of the synergistic leadership, organizational voice, and professional learning community variables was higher than the criterion score. Synergistic leadership behaviors, teachers' organizational voice, and teachers' professional learning community have a negative and significant effect on knowledge-hiding behaviors, and synergistic leadership behaviors have a positive and significant impact on teachers' organizational voice and professional learning community. The results of this hypothesis can be explained as follows: When a school principal who adheres to the application of the components of the synergistic approach in leadership for his organization places cooperation and the resulting synergy at the top of his priorities, he uses various mechanisms to motivate teachers and awaken their desire to cooperate. By establishing two-way communication with teachers, encouraging them, and providing rewards and privileges for teachers in carrying out organizational tasks and activities, synergistic leaders can utilize their potential capacities and abilities to achieve organizational goals, thereby facilitating the application of knowledge and its sharing among members.
Research limitations: This study's limitations included using self-report questionnaires to assess variables, limiting the research sample to teachers in Kashan, and conducting a cross-sectional study and collecting data.
Originality/value: It is essential that education managers, through organizational training programs, instill in school administrators that they should not remain in a mere management role; instead, they should move towards leadership roles such as synergistic leadership and, by increasing learning communities and listening to teachers' organizational voices, enhance the level of teacher cooperation and provide the basis for knowledge sharing.


Main Subjects

Copyright ©, Razieh Aghababaei


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