Mental patterns of knowledge sharing in generation Z employees in a defense training-research center

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Researcher, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Malik Ashtar University of Technology



Today, the efficient sharing of knowledge increases the chances of survival of organizations and is considered as a strategic resource for improving the productivity of organizations. The purpose of this research is to identify knowledge sharing mindsets among generation Z employees in a defense research training center in Malik Ashtar University of Technology. The current research is cross-sectional in terms of practical purpose, in terms of descriptive method, in terms of quantitative and qualitative (mixed) data collection, and in terms of time horizon, and as far as the researchers have investigated, no research with this title has been conducted. The statistical population of the research consisted of 20 employees of generation Z (born in 1373 and later) and several university faculty members who were selected purposefully. Q methodology has been used to analyze the collected statistical data. In this research, after reviewing the subject literature and conducting interviews with several university experts, different propositions regarding the research topic (36 indicators) were identified and extracted. Then the questionnaires were completed by 20 participants in the research and the collected data were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis. Seven different mentalities and viewpoints with the names of good sense of knowledge sharing, knowledge-oriented leadership, teamwork, reward system, perception of relative benefits, job satisfaction and organizational commitment were discovered and identified, which explain and cover 77% of the total variance.


Main Subjects

Copyright ©, Hosein Vahidi, Zahra Danesh, Sadegh Shahbazi


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