Presenting the model of a wise core - a capable network for the role-playing of universities in the knowledge management of modern Islamic civilization issues based on imam khamenei's thought

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Professor, Faculty of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran



To play a role in civilization, universities have two main missions, which are: 1) training managers and experts and 2) producing thought and knowledge. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as the main core of the modern Islamic civilization, needs the scientific interaction of the university with society and industry to identify its system of problems in order to carry out these missions. In this regard, the present research has been done with the aim of providing a framework for knowledge networking and knowledge management of universities to play a role in civilization building. This research is of developmental type and was done with thematic analysis method. The main source of information collection for coding is the collection of written statements and documents of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution through keyword search and text reading. Based on this, after considering the data, 77 basic themes and 13 organizing themes and 3 overarching themes including "knowledgeable core", "capable network", "pests" and "results and consequences" in the form of a network map (website), display It will be given. The results of the present research show that the knowledge core in Taraz University of the Islamic Revolution includes the components of science and technology centers, management and leadership campuses, commercialization and technology transfer, and future studies, innovation and knowledge management, and its capable network in the field of achievement The science and technology cadre includes the network of universities, the network of elites and scholars, the network of scientists and the network of knowledge-based companies.


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Abbaszadeh, M., & Abbaszadeh, M. (2012). Validity and reliability in qualitative researches. Journal of Applied Sociology, 23(1), 19–34.
Alipour, M. H., & Shadmanfar, M. H. (2021). Orb and field: Step-by-step problem-oriented activities, from problem-finding to problem-solving (2nd ed.). Publications of Saidid (Imam Sadiq University).
Ansari Samani, H., & nafar, F. (2022). Strategies for developing the relationship between university and industry in the country based on the data-based method. Journal of Innovation Ecosystem, 1(4), 51–68.
Barimani, K., & Enayati, T. (2022). Explain the components that affect the relationship between industry and  University; A step towards an entrepreneurial university. Journal of Development & Evolution Mnagement, 13(47), 61–76.
Boyatzis Richard. (1998). Transforming qualitative information : thematic analysis and code development - Plymouth University (Alma). In Qualitative Health Research (Vol. 10, Issue 4).
Büchel, B., & Raub, S. (2002). Building Knowledge-creating Value Networks. European Management Journal, 20(6), 587–596.
Cai, Y. (2019). China-Europe Higher Education Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges. Frontiers of Education in China, 14(2), 167–179.
Cai, Y. (2023). Towards a new model of EU-China innovation cooperation: Bridging missing links between international university collaboration and international industry collaboration. Technovation, 119, 102553.
Cai, Y., Ferrer, B. R., & Lastra, J. L. M. (2019). Building university-industry co-innovation networks in transnational innovation ecosystems: Towards a transdisciplinary approach of integrating social sciences and artificial intelligence. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(17).
Carayannis, E. G., & Campbell, D. F. J. (2009). “Mode 3” and “Quadruple Helix”: toward a 21st century fractal innovation ecosystem. International Journal of Technology Management, 46(3/4), 201.
Etzkowitz, H., & Leydesdorff, L. (2000). The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and “Mode 2” to a Triple Helix of university–industry–government relations. Research Policy, 29(2), 109–123.
Gimenez, A. M. N., & Bonacelli, M. B. M. (2016). Martin Kenney e David C. Mowery (eds.) - Public Universities and Regional Growth - Insights from the University of California. Revista Brasileira de Inovação, 15(1).
Greene, J. R. (2006). Encyclopedia of Police Science: 2-volume set. Routledge.
Han, F., & Ellis, R. (2020). Personalised learning networks in the university blended learning. Comunicar, 28(62).
Humphrey, J., & Schmitz, H. (1995). Principles for promoting clusters & networks of SMEs. In Small and Medium Enterprises Branch (Issue 1).
Karimi Khozani, A. (2012). The Review of Concept, Administrative Method and Organization Requirements of Problem Oriented Policing. Police Organizational Development, 8(39), 107–128.
Kashtkar, M., Mohammadi, A., & Peshwai, M. (2017). Crowdsourcing, pioneers of new business. Industrial Management Organization.
khoshkab, shahrbanoo, & Abili, K. (2023). Reviewing the communication structures of university-industry-government and examining its status in the offices of communication with industry (case of Isfahan University of Technology technical campus (. Journal of Educational  Planning Studies, 11(22), 58–75.
Li, J., Peng, J., Liu, S., Wang, K., & Li, C. (2020). Toward link prediction in directed social networks based on common interest and local community. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 31(11).
Ma, Y., Kong, L., Yang, X., & Lin, C. (2021). Innovation Cooperation Network Evolution about Green Building Technology with Government Intervention: Based on Evolutionary Game Theory. IEEE Access, 9.
Malikpour, K., Delavar, A., & Ghiashi Nadushan, S. (2017). Pathology of the relationship between industry and academia in the field of the humanities. Educational leadership research, 3(11), 51–74.
Malik Pour Lepari, K., Delavar, A., & Ghiyathi Nedushan, S. (2017). Pathology of the relationship between industry and academia in the field of the humanities. Research on Educational Leadership and Management, 3(11), 51–74.
Perkmann, M., Tartari, V., McKelvey, M., Autio, E., Broström, A., D’Este, P., Fini, R., Geuna, A., Grimaldi, R., Hughes, A., Krabel, S., Kitson, M., Llerena, P., Lissoni, F., Salter, A., & Sobrero, M. (2013). Academic engagement and commercialisation: A review of the literature on university-industry relations. Research Policy, 42(2).
Sabatier, P. A. (2019). Theories of the Policy Process. In Theories of the Policy Process.
Saragih, H. S., & Tan, J. D. (2018). Co-innovation: A review and conceptual framework. In International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (Vol. 17, Issue 3).
Serati Shirazi, M., & Khademi, R. (2023). Knowledge flow channels between university and industry: Scientometrics and review study. Sciences and Techniques of Information Management.
Shadmanfar, M. H., alipoor, mohammad hosein, & Makvandi, F. (2022). Extracting the pattern of inhibitors and facilitators of knowledge sharing using metacombination method. Scientific Journal of Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge, 5(3), 111–150.
Tavalaee, R., BamdadSufi, J., Rashidi, M. M., Rezaeian, A., & SalehiSadaghiani, J. (2014). Designing a Model for development of Knowledge networks in Research and technology Hub of Oil Industry"Using soft-ThinkingApproach and cognitiveMapping model". Iieshrm, 5(20), 181–200.
Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. (2020). Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, Enhanced eText, 7th Edition. In Managing Innovation.
Towfighi, jafar. (2007). Pathology of University - Industry Relation. Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, 9(34), 1–25.
Van Toan, D. (2021). Research on the Model of Entrepreneurial University and Advanced University Governance: Policy Recommendations for Public Universities in Vietnam. VNU Journal of Science: Policy and Management Studies, 37(1).
Wang, Y., Chen, Y., Li, W., Wang, T., Guo, L., Li-Ying, J., & Huang, J. (2020). Funding research in universities: do government resources act as a complement or substitute to industry funding? Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja , 33(1).
Yoda, N., & Kuwashima, K. (2020). Triple Helix of University–Industry–Government Relations in Japan: Transitions of Collaborations and Interactions. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 11(3).
Zubașcu, F. (2021, April 1). EU rewrites rulebook on science and technology cooperation with the rest of the world. Sciencebusiness.