Designing knowledge blockchain use case scenarios in the closed loop supply chain of knowledge based companies (Case study: yazd sscience and technology park)

Document Type : Case study


1 PhD student in Industrial Management, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran



Today, with regard to preserving the environment and generating sustainable income, the closed-loop supply chain is at the center of attention as a means to reuse products. However, utilizing knowledge management in these chains without modern technologies such as blockchain is challenging. For this purpose, knowledge blockchains have been developed to enhance these capabilities. On the other hand, knowledge-based companies in the country, if they can harness the benefits of knowledge blockchains in their closed-loop supply chain structure, will be able to gain many advantages. This research has been conducted as an innovative effort to integrate knowledge management with the modern technology of knowledge blockchains in the closed-loop supply chain of knowledge-based companies. The objective of this research is to improve the performance and efficiency of these companies in knowledge management and the utilization of knowledge blockchains in the field of the closed-loop supply chain. To achieve this goal, first, by reviewing the research background, 10 factors influencing this research were identified. Subsequently, to validate the impact of these factors on the implementation of knowledge blockchains in the supply chain of knowledge-based companies, a One sample t test was employed. By confirming the influence of 10 significant factors and utilizing data from 14 knowledge-based companies situated in Yazd Science and Technology Park and collecting 83 questionnaires, the current status of knowledge-based companies in implementing blockchains in their closed-loop supply chain was identified using the fuzzy cognitive map technique. Based on the developed system structure, backward and forward scenarios were designed. The research findings indicate that the cooperation factor exerts the greatest influence on the behavior of other research factors. Among other results of the research, we can highlight the significant role of the reliability and security assurance factor compared to the interoperability factor.


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