Presenting a conceptual model of dimensions and components of organizational knowledge governance based on a systemic approach

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Information and Knowledge Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Management of the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Strategic Knowledge Management, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran



This research was done with the aim of explaining the dimensions and components of knowledge governance in the organization with a systemic approach. The current research was conducted with a qualitative approach and a meta-synthesis method. In this research, 451 related scientific sources were selected from various internal and external sources in the period before 2022, and using the meta-synthesis method and the use of "Critical Appraisal Skills Program" (CASP), finally 105 scientific researches were selected in line with the goal of the research. were evaluated and reviewed. In this regard, by applying a systemic approach and using the open coding method, relevant codes were identified and extracted in three main categories including input, process and output. The findings of the research show that the input of the model includes the nature of organizational knowledge governance (approach, nature and subject). Also, the governance process of organizational knowledge includes requirements, effective factors, obstacles and tools. The output of the obtained organizational knowledge governance model also includes functions and achievements. The topic (conceptual model of organizational knowledge governance) and the approach (system approach) of the current research have an innovative and unique aspect. The results of the present research can facilitate the implementation of knowledge governance in organizations.


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