The effect of perceive quantum management skills on reducing organizational inertia: the mediating role of intellectual capital and organizational learning

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Master's degree, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

2 Corresponding author: Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran



The realization of sustainable growth and development of universities and higher education institutions can be created with the help of quantum management skills, organizational learning and intellectual capital in universities. Because universities are places for producing, organizing and transferring knowledge, that in this process the role of employees as intellectual and human capital is evident and vital. Based on this, the aim of this research was to investigate the effect of perceived quantum management skills on reducing organizational inertia with the mediating role of intellectual capital and organizational learning. The type of research was descriptive-correlation and the statistical population included employees at University of Kashan that by using Morgan's table 150 people were selected as a sample. The research tools were four questionnaires of quantum management skills, organizational inertia, intellectual capital & organizational learning. The reliability of questionnaires was estimated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient for quantum skill 0.70, organizational inertia 0.75, intellectual capital 0.87 and organizational learning 0.90. Data analysis was done at the descriptive and inferential level by using SPSS and Smart PLS statistical software. The results showed that the mean of the variables of quantum skills, intellectual capital and organizational learning was higher than the criterion score and the mean of organizational inertia was lower than the criterion score. Path coefficients showed that intellectual capital with (Beta=-0.51), quantum skills with (Beta=-0.26) and organizational learning with (Beta=-0.50) on organizational inertia has a negative & significant effect. Quantum skill with (Beta=0.42) on intellectual capital and with (Beta=0.45) on organizational learning has a positive & significant effect. In addition, the mediating role of organizational learning and intellectual capital in the effect of quantum skills in reducing organizational inertia was confirmed.


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