Investigating the effect of organizational process control knowledge on the performance of Iranian brands based on individual creativity, strategic brand management and ambidexterity

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Master's student, International Business, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding author: Associate Professor of Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



Many companies face various challenges due to insufficient knowledge about organizational knowledge management, and if they do not adopt appropriate strategies, they will lag behind their competitors. Therefore, organizations are responding to these challenges by using strategic standpoints such as ambidexterity dimensions, strategic brand management, and acquiring organizational knowledge such as organization process control knowledge (Six Sigma) to improve the performance of their brand or organizational brands. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of organizational process control knowledge on the performance of Iranian brands based on individual creativity, strategic brand management, and ambidexterity dimensions (exploration and exploitation). The present research was conducted using a descriptive-exploratory method. The statistical population consisted of Iranian companies currently active in Tehran city. The sampling was done through non-probability convenience sampling, and the sample size was determined to be 301 using the Kline formula.. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The method of data analysis was structural equations, using the SmartPLS program. The results showed that organizational process control knowledge has a positive and significant effect on the dimensions of ambivalence. Additionally, the dimensions of ambivalence have a positive and significant effect on individual creativity and strategic brand management. Finally, the research showed that individual creativity and strategic brand management have a positive and meaningful effect on brand performance. Ultimately, it can be stated that knowledge control within an organization, which is one of the processes of organizational knowledge management, significantly impacts brand performance.


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