Recognizing and understanding the inertia of innovation in knowledge-based companies; Fuzzy mapping analysis of antecedent and posterior factors with FCM

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Business Administration, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 lorestan university assistant professor, management faculty, khorramabad, iran

3 Corresponding author: Ph.D. student of public administration, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran



In the turbulent environment of today's world, if a company or organization does not have the ability to adapt to global changes and developments, it is doomed to collapse and destruction. Therefore, companies and organizations, if they want their survival not to be threatened, should accept creativity and innovation as the main keywords of their main strategies, programs and policies. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of knowing and understanding the inertia of innovation in knowledge-based companies. This research is based on mixed research and is qualitative and quantitative, which is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of nature and method. The statistical population of the research is managers and professors of knowledge-based companies, whose opinions are examined in the qualitative and quantitative part of the research as experts. The members of the statistical sample of this research were selected by purposive sampling method. In the qualitative part of the research, the data collection tool is a semi-structured interview, the validity and reliability of which was confirmed using the CVR coefficient and intra-coder and inter-coder tests. The tool for collecting information in the quantitative part is a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed using content validity and retesting. In the qualitative part, the qualitative data obtained from the interview were analyzed using Atlas.ti software and the coding method, and the factors causing innovation inertia in Iranian knowledge-based companies were identified. In addition, in the quantitative part of the research, using the FCM method, the factors that create and the consequences of innovation inertia in Iran's knowledge-based companies are prioritized, and the most important factors that create and the consequences of innovation inertia in knowledge-based companies are identified. The results of the research show that the rule of the imitation culture instead of the culture of innovation, suffering from intellectual arthritis syndrome, fear and conservative spirit, intellectual freezing and using previous experiences in solving new problems are the most important factors that cause the inertia of innovation, as well as four factors. Among other things, the reduction of efficiency and productivity, weakness in learning and problem solving, making unfavorable decisions and the risk of the organization's survival, and the phenomenon of strategic blockage and impasse are very important consequences of the inertia of innovation in knowledge-based companies.


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