Modeling The Knowledge Dimension in The Innovation System with a Meta-Synthesis and Grey DEMATEL Approach

Document Type : Review paper


1 Doctoral Candidate of Systems Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran



The present research sought to extract a model from the knowledge dimension of the innovation system by examining the models and scientific literature about the role of knowledge in the innovation system to be presented in a defense organization and to discover the interactions between the components of the model. This research has been formed in the framework of the interpretative paradigm, with an applied and developmental approach, with a deductive-inductive strategy and a mixed method. The research data was collected in library and field and the sampling method was theoretical. The statistical population of this research was the scientific articles available in the research databases and were reviewed in full. In the quantitative part, the statistical population included experts in the field of innovation and university graduates. In this research, data collection tools, including the review of documents and documents, as well as the input matrix of the DEMATEL method were used in the form of a questionnaire. The research community was reviewed in the qualitative section, including specific scientific documents, using the theoretical sampling method. Also, in the quantitative part of the research community, the experts in this field were considered with the purposeful sampling method. In this research, using the meta-composite approach based on Barroso and Sandlovsky's approach, which includes seven basic steps, and the exploration of past researches, which according to the input criteria include scientific articles with a certain grade and after the year 2000, concepts are extracted and finally The components of the knowledge dimension of the innovation system were identified. These components, which were collected from 48 sources after screening the sources, were extracted in the form of 84 codes, which were placed in ten basic themes. These themes formed the knowledge dimension of the innovation system in the form of three categories of research, learning and knowledge management. In the following, by using the Dimetal method, the method of connecting the components and the interaction between them was investigated among the experts of a military organization. The validity of the research was confirmed in the qualitative part with the critical method and Cohen's kappa, and in the quantitative part by referring to experts. The results showed that the two variables "Preliminaries of learning" and "Protection of knowledge" are known as important players in the set of factors as factors that have the highest total effect and effectiveness (with values of 2.0841 and 1.5240, respectively). Also, two variables "Learning Introduction" and "Training" had the highest net impact value (deduction of impact from effectiveness) in the set of these factors, with values of 0.9726 and 0.2763, respectively. Therefore, these two factors are considered as the most stimulating factors and they need to be taken into consideration in the plans.


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