Identifying and prioritizing the antecedents of lack of knowledge sharing among the employees of Rafsanjan Industrial Complex

Document Type : Case study


1 Corresponding author, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Senior Expert in Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management, Payam Noor University, Qeshm, Iran



The purpose of this research was to identify and prioritize the antecedents of lack of knowledge sharing among the employees of Rafsanjan Industrial Complex. This research is an applied research based on the nature and method of a descriptive-survey research. In this research, the factors were first identified using library studies, and then confirmed and prioritized using a questionnaire. The experts of the present research were 13 people who were randomly selected and included managers and senior employees of Rafsanjan Industrial Complex. Data was analyzed using SPSS 23 and Expert Choice software, and hierarchical process software was used to prioritize factors. The findings from the research data showed that the antecedents of not sharing knowledge are: Technological barriers, which have four sub-components, and the absence of systems are the most important sub-components affecting the lack of knowledge sharing. Organizational barriers are among other effective factors that have eleven sub-components, and the sub-component of lack of problem-finding and problem-solving is the most effective factor on lack of knowledge sharing. Management obstacles are also among the obstacles of not sharing knowledge, which includes six sub-components, and the lack of support for sharing knowledge is one of the most important factors affecting it. Individual obstacles are also among the obstacles of not sharing knowledge, which includes eleven sub-components, and mistrust is the most important sub-component affecting the lack of knowledge sharing. According to the results, it can be said that technological barriers and the lack of required infrastructure and technologies are among the most important factors affecting the lack of knowledge sharing, while individual factors have the least impact, that is, employees have the least impact on the lack of knowledge sharing.


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