Recognizing and understanding the phenomenon of managers' cognitive fatigue; Analysis of influencing factors and outcomes with fuzzy cognitive mapping method (research sample: knowledge-based companies in Lorestan province)

Document Type : Case study


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Master of Science in Management, Faculty of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran



Today, many factors affect the reduction of performance, efficiency and effectiveness of managers in knowledge-based organizations, one of which is the cognitive fatigue of managers. The cognitive fatigue of managers refers to the issue that the manager's mind has lost its ability due to the reduction of intellectual capacity and rational ability due to conflict with non-functional, secondary and unimportant issues and in performing its main tasks such as decision-making and planning. Rezi works in a weak way. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of recognizing and understanding the phenomenon of cognitive fatigue of managers of knowledge-based organizations and analyzing the influencing factors and consequences with the FCM method. This research is based on a mixed method and based on qualitative and quantitative research, which, from the point of view of philosophy, is included in the category of inductive comparative research. Therefore, the current research is an exploratory research in terms of practical purpose in terms of gathering information. The statistical population of the research is experts and experts in knowledge-based organizations, who were selected by purposeful sampling and based on the principle of sufficiency. The tool for collecting information is the qualitative part of the interview and the quantitative part of the questionnaire, whose validity and reliability are respectively determined by using content validity and theoretical validity, intra-coder and extra-coder reliability methods for the interview, and content validity and retest reliability for the questionnaire. It has been confirmed. Qualitative data were analyzed with Atlas.ti software and content analysis and coding method, and quantitative data were analyzed with FCM fuzzy mapping method. The results of this research indicate that being in uncontrollable and stressful situations, job and emotional burnout of managers, and impaired cognitive abilities due to having the highest degree of centrality, are the most important antecedent factors of cognitive fatigue of managers of knowledge-based organizations. . Also, the phenomenon of intellectual freezing, reducing the cognitive flexibility of managers and weakening the analysis ability of managers were identified as the most important factors behind the cognitive fatigue of managers of knowledge-based organizations


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