providing the framework of knowledge functions and actors of the national innovation system; Systematic synthesis of research

Document Type : Review paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Systems Management, Department of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran Email:

2 Associate Professor, Department of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom Email: Iran.

3 Corresponding author: Assistant Professor, Department of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran Email:

4 Associate Professor, Department of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom Email: Iran



The concept of national innovation system has attracted a lot of attention during the last three decades. Modern theories describe the national innovation system as a set of organizations and institutions in the process of creating, distributing, and using knowledge and technologies with the aim of achieving strategic goals such as the sustainable development of the economic system and helping to increase the competitiveness of its subjects including governments at the international level interact. The purpose of the current research is to present the framework of the national innovation system based on the knowledge functions and the knowledge role of the actors of this system and to achieve this framework, the approach of systematic research synthesis has been used. Based on this, by studying and examining in depth 180 study sources in the form of articles, books, reports and other documents, six main knowledge functions including "creation, acquisition, dissemination, development, exploitation, and commercialization of knowledge" and four support functions including "support and foundation, financing", mediation and policy-making and regulation" and seven main actors "government, research organizations, financial institution - financial institutions, universities, and higher education centers, industry, intermediaries, society and supporters, and enablers" were defined. Based on main and supporting functions, related roles were extracted and actors were categorized based on roles. The final result of the research is the framework of the national innovation system with a focus on knowledge functions and a new category of actors identified in 5 related layers, including the main knowledge function as the most central layer, layers of supporting knowledge functions, knowledge roles and actors as the next layers and Finally, it presents the classification of the subsystems of the national innovation system based on the helix cycle and as the outermost layer.


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