Investigating the effect of knowledge management and entrepreneurial orientation on technology transfer between industry and university (Case Study: Zamyad Company and University of Tehran)

Document Type : Case study


1 Corresponding Author:Assistant Professor, Khatam Al-Anbia University of Air Defense, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD student, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The aim of the current research is to investigate the effect of knowledge management on technology transfer by considering the mediating variable of entrepreneurial orientation. This research is an applied research with a quantitative approach and a descriptive-survey type. The statistical population consists of two sectors, industry and university, and Zamiad Company and University of Tehran were selected as subjects of study. In this way, based on stratified random sampling method and with the help of Cochran's formula, 180 informed experts of Zamiad company were sampled, and finally 123 people were in the industry department and 111 people were determined from the faculties of Tehran University. Data were collected using the standard questionnaire of Newman et al. (knowledge management), Walter et al. (entrepreneurial orientation) and Rogers et al. (technology transfer). The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed through the comments of academic experts.To calculate the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used (knowledge creation: 0.741, knowledge maintenance: 0.738, knowledge conversion: 0.726, knowledge application: 0.781, entrepreneurial orientation: 0.853 and technology transfer: 0.866) and all coefficients were higher than 0.7 indicates that the used measurement tool has acceptable reliability. The structural equation model has been used to comprehensively examine the presented conceptual model. Confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL software has been used to assess the fit of the measurement models related to the research constructs; Also, Pearson's correlation test and regression using SPSS have been used to test the relationships and influence of variables. Finally, AMOS software was used to test the main hypotheses of the research. The results of the research indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and technology transfer, and knowledge management also affects technology transfer through its influence on entrepreneurial orientation; Therefore, organizations can transfer the technology created in universities in a more appropriate way by completing the knowledge management cycle and trying to promote and institutionalize the entrepreneurial tendency.


Main Subjects

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