Investigating the Status of Knowledge Sharing and Its Relationship with Innovative Work Behavior of Employees (Case Study: Manufacturing Company)

Document Type : Case study


1 MA Student, Department of Human Resources Education and Improvement, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management and Human Resources Development of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,Iran

3 Professor, Department of Management of the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad


The innovative behavior of employees in the role of the main students of the organization, especially in manufacturing companies, is essentially subject to the behavior of their knowledge in the workplace. This is at the individual level depending on the desire and intent of each person to share knowledge as well as the practices and factors affecting it from an organizational perspective; Therefore, in this study, relying on the data obtained from an influential manufacturing company in the production of the country's industries, the main purpose is to investigate the status of knowledge sharing (effective methods and factors) and its relationship with the innovative working behavior of its employees. Understanding the status of knowledge sharing, determining the relationship between knowledge sharing and innovative work behavior, identifying knowledge sharing methods, and ultimately identifying the factors affecting knowledge sharing are other goals of this study. To achieve these goals, a case -based study method was used. In the first phase, all the official staff of a manufacturing company with a sample size of 219 were navigated. Quantitative data collection was also carried out using a semi -structured interview with 8 people as key informants. The validity of the structural analysis was used to measure the validity of the knowledge sharing and work behavior questionnaires. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaires was also calculated using Cronbach's alpha. The results of the analysis of structural equation indicated the meaning of the approach of attitude towards knowledge and mental norms with the intention of sharing knowledge, as well as the intention of sharing knowledge and knowledge -sharing behavior with innovative work behavior. However, there was no significant relationship between perceived behavior control and knowledge sharing. The findings of the interview analysis also showed that formal education, informal training, publication and registration of scientific articles, formal sessions, proposals, informal relations and interactions from experience, and documentation of experiences, and documentation of experiences and documentation of experiences. The most important methods of knowledge sharing are among employees and from the perspective of the interviewees, external motivations (organizational and equality in reward), internal motivations (personal interest and pleasure to help others), and the nature of work (purposefulness and work independence) are the most important factors and lack of attention to employee knowledge capabilities, discrimination Among employees at different levels, the tendency for knowledge hoarding, the lack of questioning skills and the enthusiasm, the resistance to documenting, the lack of job security, the lack of awareness, the lack of time are the most important factors in the inhibitors of knowledge sharing.knowledge Performance, Biopharmaceutical Industry.


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Volume 4, Issue 4 - Serial Number 15
Serial No.15- Winter Quarterly
March 2022
Pages 67-110
  • Receive Date: 13 February 2022
  • Revise Date: 11 March 2022
  • Accept Date: 11 March 2022