The Effect of Knowledge Management on Supply Chain Performance in the Offshore Sector of Oil and Gas (Case study: Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company)

Document Type : Case study


Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Today, supply chain management is considered as an effective factor in achieving competitive advantage in different organizations. It can be said that organizations are not competing with each other, but supply chains compete for gaining more markets. On the other hand, organizations have found that knowledge is the most strategic source of enterprise, and is the focus of competition and survival. Knowledge Management and its implementation in the supply chain can be considered as an effective factor in increasing the efficiency of the supply chain. The purpose of this study, which was implemented at one of the largest and most active companies in the field of offshore oil and gas, is to determine the role of knowledge management in the efficiency of the supply chain. In this study, based on research literature, a conceptual model and based on those hypotheses was developed. The statistical population of this study was directors and experts of the Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company (IOEC), and the sample was selected based on a non-probabilistic targeted approach and it was 33 people. Due to the limited number of statistical samples, structural equations and smart PLS software (version 2) were used to test the hypotheses.
According to the data analysis, all hypotheses have been confirmed and priority has been made based on factor load. Accordingly, in the case of knowledge management, the factor “knowledge preservation” has the most effective coefficient and the factor "knowledge sharing" has the least effect on the efficiency of the supply chain. Considering the importance the importance of the Knowledge Preservation, it can be done by creating the right IT infrastructure and timely storage of knowledge through these infrastructures and systems in order to make the chain more efficient.


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