Evaluate of Knowledge Management Infrastructure in Isfahan Oil Refining Company

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Master's degree in Information Science and Epistemology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Epistemology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Career Counseling Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

4 Master of Industry, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad Branch, Isfahan, Iran, (Industrial Consultant)


This study aimed to evaluate the organizational and technology infrastructure of knowledge management from the perspective of the company's employees in Isfahan Oil Refining Company. It was used a survey-descriptive method in this research and the population under investigating includes all managers and employees of Isfahan Oil Refining Company. It was used a survey-descriptive method in this research and the population under investigating includes all managers and employees of Isfahan Oil Refining Company with a diploma education and higher (2454 people), to determine the sample size, it was used the formula of sampling i.e. Cohen and were selected 368 people as research sample. Sampling method is random stratified sampling and the tool for collecting the research data was researcher-made questionnaires with the Likert scale. The face validity of the questionnaire approved by experienced teachers and in order to determine the reliability it was used Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.93). The analysis was performed on the received questionnaires. It was used descriptive statistics i.e. frequency and mean, and in inferential statistics was used Single sample t-test and Friedman test. The findings of the study indicated that the organizational and technological infrastructures of knowledge management in Isfahan Oil Refining Company exist (the p-value is less than 0.05), but the implementation is less than average.


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