Examining and Understanding the Impact of Social Networks on Social Innovation

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Specialized doctorate in strategic management, member of the strategic knowledge management group, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master's degree in Information Technology Management, Electronic Department, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Due to the expansion and penetration of social networks among users, private and personal communication, ease of access has become an unparalleled area of communication and has provided a lot of groundwork. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social networks on social innovation. The main question is, what social networks do they have on social innovation? The statistical population consisted of students of different levels of associate, bachelor, master and Ph.D. in five selected universities in Tehran. With regard to the wide range of statistical population and the impossibility of access to the entire population, 140 simple random sampling methods were selected and a questionnaire was sent to receive their response. In this research, two social network and social innovation questionnaires with five options were prepared. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire, were confirmed by experts and the factor analysis. The results showed that at 95% confidence level, the "virtual social network" with a significant path coefficient of 5.34 on "Ideas for problem solving", 4.71 on "product effectiveness and final achievement", 4.66 on "recognizing the problem" and 3.96 affects the "implementation and institutionalization of ideas".


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