Presenting a model for the development of a knowledge map of science and technology incubators based on process maps (Case study: university science and technology incubators)

Document Type : Case study


Head of Industrial Department of Imam Hossein University


In this paper, a comprehensive study of organizational knowledge maps, as one of the main techniques for knowledge management, has been investigated in order to development a model of knowledge map of science and technology incubators. Primarily, to achieve this purpose, related investigations between 1998 and 2018 have been taken into consideration and different models for development of knowledge maps and effective factors on these models have been extracted by content analysis method. On the other hand, by studying features of science and technology incubators, effective factors on designing and developing of incubator’s knowledge maps with consideration the most effective factors based on frequency in related researches have been identified and determined. Then, as a contribution to previous studies, a practical model has been developed based on these factors and process map of incubators. The model is consistent with the incubator's features, and developed in seven steps. To implement the proposed steps of developing incubator’s knowledge map, the corresponding work sheets have been designed that help in how to knowledge mapping in practice. Finally, the proposed model for development of knowledge map has been implemented in supportive service section of incubators of a particular university as a pilot.


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