The Effect of Quantum Leadership on Organizational Learning through the Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing (Case study: Teachers and Principals at High schools in the Educational Office, District 1, of Zahedan)

Document Type : Case study


1 PhD candidate of public administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baloochestan, Iran.

2 Student of master of public administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baloochestan, Iran.

3 Master of entrepreneurship management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Sistan and Baloochestan University, Iran.

4 assistant professor of development economics, the Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Baloochestan, Iran.


It is essentially important for all organizations to consider organizational learning and the factors influencing it.  This applied research follows a descriptive-correlation method. It assesses the effects of quantum leadership on organizational learning through the mediating role of knowledge sharing among all teachers and principals of high schools of Zahedan. 202 persons were selected from the statistical population according to Morgan table. A standardized questionnaire was employed to assess three variables of the study. The reliability of the questionnaire was affirmed by Cronbach's alpha and its validity was confirmed by convergent and divergent validity. The research data were analyzed through Smart PLS software. The results demonstrated that quantum leadership directly and indirectly influenced organizational learning by 0.443 and 0.552 respectively. Knowledge sharing had a positive and significant effect on organizational learning as much as 0. 170, and the effect of quantum leadership on knowledge sharing was 0.504. According to the findings, consideration of quantum leadership and knowledge sharing as effective variables on organizational learning are essentially important.


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Volume 2, Issue 2 - Serial Number 5
Serial No.5- Summer Quarterly
July 2019
Pages 119-146
  • Receive Date: 27 July 2019
  • Revise Date: 04 September 2019
  • Accept Date: 17 September 2019