The Impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Innovative Performance with Emphasis on Mediating Role of Organizational Learning Case Study: Qaed Basir Petrochemical Products Manufacture Holding

Document Type : Case study


1 Ph.D. in Production and Operations Management, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, shahed University, Tehran, Iran


Knowledge is a key and valuable advantage of organizations, which is regarded as the basis for the constant growth and maintenance of their sustainable competitive advantage. Moreover, the success of the innovation process heavily depends on knowledge too. This research is aimed at investigating the impact of knowledge management (KM) on organizational innovation performance with reference to the mediating role of organizational learning in the manufacturing of petrochemical products. The statistical population of this study consists of senior managers, middle managers, and field managers along with a number of experts in petrochemical holding company including 263, from whom a sample of 156 respondents was selected to answer a questionnaire of 63 questions. Stratified random selection was employed with Cochran method to determine the sample size. To test the hypotheses, the Structural Equation Modeling Method using Smart PLS2 software was used. The results indicated that KM has a positive and direct impact on organizational learning as a mediator variable on innovative performance in the holding company under study. Research sub-hypotheses showed that knowledge management sub-processes, such as the creation, storage, sharing and use of knowledge, affect improving the organization's innovative performance positively.


Main Subjects

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