The role of knowledge management process capabilities in structural human resources empowerment (case study: allameh tabatabaee university)

Document Type : Case study


1 Ph.D. candidate of industrial management, faculty of management and accounting, Allameh Tabatabaee University. Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor at the department of industrial management, faculty of administrative sciences and economics, Valiasr University, Rafsanjan, Iran

3 Assistant professor at the department of management and entrepreneurship, faculty of humanities, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran

4 Assistant professor at the department of management and entrepreneurship, faculty of Humanities, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


Today, the importance of manpower as the most important factor of competitive advantage is quite evident. Furthermore, the change in the nature of the activities of organizations towards knowledge measures has augmented the importance of the application of knowledge management in organizations. Hence, successful organizations, continuously measure and evaluate the amount of production, distribution, exchange and utilization of knowledge among their employees by various methods, in order to find out the best solutions for achieving organizational goals. Most previous studies in this field take into account the structural capabilities of knowledge management and have paid little attention to its process capabilities. In this research, the effect of knowledge management process capabilities on the structural empowerment of human resources is assessed. Data are collected through a questionnaire distributed among 78 professors and employees of Allameh Tabatabaee University. Data analysis is performed by partial squares (PLS) structural equations modeling. Among research innovations, one refers to the innovative use of PLS method, which needs less data compared to other methods of modeling of covariance-based structural equations and can be carried on with abnormal data. The results of this study indicate that KM positively and significantly influences human resource empowerment. In the meantime, applying knowledge affects the structural empowerment of human resources more than other capabilities. Finally, there are suggestions for future managers and researchers.


Main Subjects

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