Obtaining theInternational Index (DOAJ) by the Scientific Journal of Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge

The Scientific Journal of Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge, edited by Dr. Ruhollah Tavallaee, has been awarded the DOAJ International Scientific and Research Journal Magazine since May 2020, after scientific evaluations by international professors. (Page link DOAJ for Scientific Journal of Strategic Management of Organizational Knowledge in Index)

The DOAJ Index (Directory of Open Access Journals) has been around since 2003 with the aim of listing peer-reviewed free access journals with quality and review. Over time, the number of listed journals grew exponentially, until DOAJ upgraded its evaluation criteria in 2014 and removed about 3,300 journals from its list in 2016. It is now in many reputable reviews and articles. Published in the Journal of Scientific Credit, the DOAJ index is referred to as the "White List" or, to be more precise, a filter for reputable free access journals around the world.

It should be noted that this publication has already obtained other prestigious international indexes such as the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC), Google Scholar, Academia and Mendeley.

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